Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anti Idling Bylaw for the City of Edmonton

So the city is considering an anti idling bylaw, agian. Of course with gas prices the way there were a month ago this bylaw wouldn't have really been needed. Now that they're back below a dollar people will be back using their car starters and running the engine while they wait outside. It seems like it would be good to have a bylaw for this issue as I often see cars sitting for 10 or 15 minutes just burning away the fuel. On the other hand how are you really going to enforce a 5 minute or 15 minute limit, so the law starts to sound like a jaywalking prohibition and will only be enforced in extreme situations. Wether the city decides to have the bylaw or not you can have your say in a survey and review some of the documentation that they've complied. You can also attend a public meeting on this issue tomorrow. The location is at the U of A next to the Jubilee Auditorium.

The final public meeting will be held:

Date: Monday, October 27, 2008
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
Maple Leaf Room
University of Alberta Conference Centre
Lister Hall (87 Avenue and 116 Street)

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