Saturday, October 18, 2008

1 Election Down, 1 To Go

Well Canada spent 270 million dollars and changed almost nothing last week. Though it will change who's leading the Liberal party. Stephan Dion was just never able to rise above the level of guy you would vote for to stop Steven Harper. It's unfortunate for the Liberals as they have been unable to really inspire any interest in their own ideas. So in the next 6 months or so they'll have another convention and try it all again hopefully with someone who will actually make people want to vote Liberal rather than just vote Liberal because they're afraid of Harper having too much power. It's expected that Dion will resign on Monday and let someone else try their hand at it.

Wanted: Charismatic Person to lead the Liberal party; must be willing to quit gracefully if they fail to become Primeminister.

On the other side of the border the Election is still in full swing with both party's driving hard into the home stretch. It looks from recent polls that Obama will win the election as he's been pulling away from McCain in the last few weeks. McCain's Choice of Sarah Palin was a risky gamble and it was looking like it would pay off for a few weeks. In the end though no one could quite get over the idea that if McCain has a heart attack a week after the inauguration Palin would have her finger on the big red button.

Wanted: Charasmatic Perons to be McCains running mate; must be non controversial.

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