Sunday, January 13, 2008

Everybody's working for the weekend...

I guess the point of the song was to be working FOR the weekend. Not working ON the weekend. Though there are pluses and minuses to working the weekend shift. For the most part the crowd on the weekend are more relaxed and it's just a smoother day. But on the other hand it's just hard to get your head around working Saturday night. Though i guess someone has to be there, I know I get pretty whiny when I find out a store is closed on the weekend. While working on the weekend can be annoying It's really nice to get those days off in the middle of the week that you wouldn't normally get with a regular 9-5 job. As with every job it's a give and take some things are good and some things are annoying.

Overall i give weekend shifts 3.5 Stars out of 5. For the loss of social life but with bonus points for the chance to get out and visit goverment offices when they are actually open.

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